Acknowledgement of Potential Conflict of Interest

(to be signed by both buyer and seller if seller is a Mt. Baker Vet client or if the vet has seen horse before)

There is a potential conflict of interest when a veterinarian from Mt. Baker Veterinary performs a pre-purchase examination on a horse owned by a client of this practice. It is likely in the best interest of both the seller and the buyer to find another veterinarian to perform the pre-purchase examination, thus removing the potential for conflict of interest. If, however, another veterinarian is not available or both parties are aware of the situation and acknowledge it, then we can proceed with the pre-purchase examination of a client (seller’s) horse on behalf of the buyer.

In this situation the seller must realize that the veterinarian performing the pre-purchase exam is working for, and in the sole interest of, the buyer. As such, the seller must also recognize that because Mt. Baker Veterinary and the veterinarian performing the exam has prior knowledge of the horse’s health history and medical records and must provide full disclosure of information available to the buyer in the course of the pre-purchase exam, we are perhaps in an overly knowledgeable position to find fault with the animal being examined.

Given this information, by signing below the seller releases Mt. Baker Veterinary and the examining veterinarian to disclose any and all medical records available concerning the horse being examined to the buyer, buyer’s representatives or others that the buyer may wish.

Additionally, the seller recognizes and agrees that all information obtained during the pre-purchase examination belongs to the buyer and discussions relating to these findings are privileged information between the veterinarian and the buyer or buyer’s agent(s). This information will only be made available to the seller with the buyer’s direct consent to do so.

By signing below the seller indicates that he/she has read and understands the statements above and agrees to hold harmless Mt. Baker Veterinary and the examining veterinarian from

any real or perceived loss in the present or future value of the horse as a result of the pre-purchase examination and the opinions offered therein.