Upcoming events

  • Burns Saddle fitting clinic

    We are thrilled to have Burns Saddlery traveling from Utah to come and teach us about saddle fitting. You can bring your horse and get a personal one on one with Wendy. Wendy has fit over 10,000 horses. This is her gift!

    Dr. Holt will be hosting a ONE-ON-ONE event at his home. FOR FREE!!!


    We have an outdoor arena to ride and get a feel for the saddles.

    Please carpool or bring a small trailer. We have limited parking.

    YOU can come without a horse and learn too. (please park along the roadside in a car) You can come anytime without a horse. PLEASE RSVP as a spectator so I know how many snacks and drinks to plan for.



    Burns Saddlery will be at a big barrel race the weekend of the March 14th, 15th and 16th at the NWWF. Burns Saddlery will be there all day each day. They have an enclosed trailer with saddle trees and saddles to help fit your horse. Bring your horse to get a fitting by Burns specialist Olivia Olson at (650)553-0299

    Please RSVP so I can send Olivia Olson a head count.

    We (Dr. Holt and Jessica Holt) are so excited for this class.

    We feel blessed that through the equine industry and attending continued education courses we have got to build relationships and friendships with some of the most amazing people. These individuals are at the top of the game in equine medicine. We feel privileged that they would choose to be our friends and take the time to travel to us and set time aside for our community.

    Questions: Jessica Holt (360)441-6422

  • 4-H day at Dr. Holts

    This is for the equine 4-H clubs only.

    Learn all about equine!

    We will cover all the basics in your horse’s health. From daily care and nutritional needs, yearly maintenance, dental exams, vaccines, when to call the vet, when to take the wait and see approach and emergencies from colic to wounds. Burns Saddlery will be here from Utah to talk about how to properly fit a saddle.

    There is always a lot of confusion in these topics, and we hope we can help you get some solid facts about equine care.

    When: March 15th, Saturday

    Where: 6695 Noon Rd. Everson. Please carpool if you can.


    Group 1 - from 9 am to 12:00

    Pease let me know how many bodies will be here for snack and drink purposes!

    Group 2 - from 1pm to 4 FULL

    Bring a chair, pen, paper and clip board.

    There is a lot to cover. We will start promptly on time.

    Questions: Jessica Holt (360)441-6422

    Cookies and refreshments will be provided

  • Open House at Dr. Holts haul in facility and home

    April 26th and 27th from 1 to 4 pm

    We have completed our haul in facility for our equine patients. We traveled to WSU and built a similar design of the stocks used in their vet hospital. We also have a haul in facility for cattle with a sweep tub, alley and top of the line chute.

    If you'd like you can RSVP and that way, I will know how many desserts to have!

    6695 Noon Rd. Everson, WA.

    We will have desserts and drinks


    Jessica Holt @ (360) 441-6422